Saturday, September 1, 2012

Why Impact?

Why call this blog--"Impact?" Well, if you spent any time with me (in person or listening to the messages I preached) the last few years then you know that the Lord placed upon my heart about 3 years ago the intensified conviction that He did not come to this earth to bring religion, but rather, He came to bring relationship. Wherever there is mere religion there is cold, heartless, robotic ministry. But where there is a deep and loving relationship with the Savior there is passion and life change--transformation and IMPACT.

The desire to minister at a church that went beyond religion to actually leaving a permanent mark for Christ soon became an unshakable conviction for me and it wasn't long before a deepened purpose statement for my life (as well as any church I would ever lead) was born. In fact, some of you who have been around me most have even heard me talk of how Impact would have been a more appropriate name for the church I pastored--it better reflected who I believe God was calling them to be then any name that merely talks of flowing streams and peaceful, non-threatening brooks ever could. Sadly, changing the name of a church is often treated like scaling Mount Everest in a bathing suit. People insist it can't be done. Don't rock the boat. Just leave things as they are. And so on. Ridiculous. I'll never back off like that again when the Lord is so clearly calling me to do something. His ways may seem scary but they are always best.

As I said in yesterday's post, the Singleton's are actually excited about where God will take us next--whether that be planting a church again or leading an already established and passionate group of Christ followers on a journey to Mark the World with the love of Christ. One thing is for sure though--the mission will have God's "spiritually delivered branding--to me" all over it...



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Rob,
    Kim and have been followers of you and Michelle for about 10 years. Since the church was at Mecklenberg High which is where we were baptised. It took us two years to find a pastor and church we believe in. You built Southbrook. Non of the existing staff was even around when we started going. I am saying this because we mostly will not be going back to Southbrook now. Please keep your readers and followers informed of your next journey. We would like to very much be part of it.
    email us at

  3. Please keep us informed of where you will preach again. I have been going to Southbrook since 2009. I was hooked the first time I came. I was disappointed however that I would have to wait a whole week before I could here you preach again. I found Jesus at Southbrook and plan to still attend until you find a new place of worship. Looking forward to here you preach again. God bless you and your family.

  4. Not sure if we can continue to got to Southbrook without you there. The new people are just don't seem to have the moxie for telling God's truth that you do Rob.Please keep us informed of what's going on in your calling.

  5. I believe that God spoke to you and continues to speak to you regarding what your assignment is during these times. Unfortunately, those who should have been backing you as true armour bearers are not spiritual. Reading the Bible is one thing, but having the Holy Spirit speak to you (through the Bible) or in your spirit is another. They are too clickish and do not understand fellowship with an open invitation to all, especially those who are not members. To live like Christ means you show all your Christianity by the way you meet and greet. The only Jesus most people see is the Jesus in us. There are leaders who don't even speak when passing you, but readily recognize and speak to the ones in their "tight knit unwelcoming groups". The Apostolic and Prophetic call is upon your life (it was spoken to you one Sunday you had an alter call. The same Sunday you prayed for the girl with a demonic spirit that caused her to throw up). The Great Commission is the Impact. Fight.. there are many who will support you and stand by you.

  6. Praying for you Pastor Rob! We love you and know that God has got your back. You have always warned us in your (old) congreation about times like these. This is just a test for you. So far I see that you have passed with flying colors. God has much bigger plans for you. I cannot wait to see them unfold! Thank you for keeping us informed and for preaching on!! We went to Unleash with you two years ago and we still mean what we said that day when we all put hands on you. WE HAVE YOUR BACK AS WELL!!! You are out pastor and we support you.

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