Monday, September 10, 2012


Thank you everyone for the encouraging e-mails, cards, meals, phone calls, text messages and home invites! You all are the greatest!

We still have our moments, but God is good—so very, very good.

And this past Sunday, someone shared a message from pastor James Merritt with me. It really ministered to me and the whole Singleton family.

So, again, I just wanted you all to know--it does make a difference!

Pastor Rob


  1. We continue to pray that God will lead you to your next step in ministry, and know that wherever you are lead, you will have an incredible impact for the Kingdom :)

  2. Notes, posts on the page, well wishes, etc. can't come close to touching you in the same way that you have truly blessed the Christ followers to which you have delivered the message.

    We all appreciate your sentiments but the way Christ delivers his love and his Fathers word through you is not be be diminished or underestimated.

  3. Thank you for all you do! Praying for you and your family.
